Guía de lecturas

En esta página se listan los capítulos sugeridos de la bibliografía correspondientes a cada tema del curso. Las lecturas para los trabajos prácticos se listan junto con las consignas de los mismos.

  • Introducción a los sistemas operativos
    • [DAH] — cap. 1: Introduction
    • [ARP] — cap. 2: Introduction to Operating Systems
    • [BRY2] — cap. 1: A Tour of Computer Systems

    • Opcional: [KERR] — cap. 2: Fundamental concepts
  • Kernel: userland vs kernelspace
    • [DAH] — cap. 2: The kernel abstraction
    • [KERR] — sec. 3.1: System calls
    • [xv6] — cap. 1: Operating System Organization
  • La abstracción de proceso
    • [DAH] — cap. 2: The kernel abstraction
    • [ARP] — cap. 4: The Abstraction: The Process
    • [ARP] — cap. 5: Interlude: Process API

    • Opcional: [KERR] — cap. 6: Processes
  • Virtualización de memoria (introducción)
    • [DAH] — cap. 8: Address Translation
    • [ARP] — cap. 13: The Abstraction: Address Spaces
    • [ARP] — cap. 15: Mechanism: Address Translation
    • [ARP] — cap. 16: Segmentation
    • [ARP] — cap. 18: Paging: Introduction
    • [ARP] — cap. 19: Paging: Faster Translations (TLBs)
  • Scheduling
    • [DAH] — sec. 7.1: Scheduling
    • [ARP] — cap. 7: Scheduling: Introduction
    • [ARP] — cap. 8: Scheduling: The Multi-Level Feedback Queue
    • [ARP] — cap. 10: Multiprocessor Scheduling

    • Opcional: [IA-3A] — cap. 6: Interrupt and Excception Handling
  • Concurrencia
    • [DAH] — cap. 4: Concurrency and Threads
    • [ARP] — cap. 26: Concurrency: An Introduction
    • [ARP] — cap. 27: Interlude: Thread API
    • [ARP] — cap. 28: Locks
    • [ARP] — cap. 32: Common Concurrency Problems
  • Filesystems
    • [DAH] — cap. 11: File Systems: Introduction and Overview
    • [ARP] — cap. 39: Interlude: Files and Directories
    • [ARP] — cap. 40: File System Implementation
    • [KERR] — sec. 14.3 a 14.5: File Systems

    • Opcional: [ARP] — cap. 36: I/O Devices
    • Opcional: [KERR] — cap. 4: File I/O: The Universal I/O Model

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